Monday, October 15, 2007

The Consummation of Friendship

Would that we had always been friends and didn't have to go through the awkward "get to know you" phase requisite in all relationships. So ran the sentiments of a friend of mine. They resonated in my mind, as previously unarticulated truths are wont to do.

These sentiments brought clarity in an unusual arena. I have avoidance issues with going to the hair salon. I only go when my roots scream, "Everyone is looking at us!" I hate making small talk, and I have nothing in common with hair stylists except that we both live in the same town and we both hope my dye job turns out. But now I think it's more than that.

A few weeks ago, I arrived for what I knew would be a torturously long dye session. After 3 hours comparing (or rather, contrasting) post-high school lives with my hair stylist, her giving me a chronology of her tattoeings and me confessing awkwardly that I'm a math teacher, we were ready to consummate our "get to know you" conversation by becoming friends. Instead, I left. I left with red hair and a renewed appreciation for my college degree, but with no new friends.

Maybe my aversion for the hair salon boils down to my disappointment with these pseudo-relationships I develop with each new hair stylist? Many people always go to the same stylist, thereby involving themselves in a long-term relationship. I think my problem might be my one-night stand habit with hair stylists.

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