Saturday, January 5, 2008

Au Revoir, Bridesmaids

The day of my friend's wedding, our hotel housekeeper arrived to the aftermath of wedding bustle and flurry and proceeded to tidy our room. When I left for the wedding, the floor was covered in a disordered scattering of various clothing, toiletries, Christmas gifts, and wedding paraphernelia. When I returned, I had no idea where anything was.

When the housekeeper saw us, she announced that everything in our room was "very easy to find." She had put everything in the closet or bathroom...or in random drawers around the room and other people's suitcases as we came to find out later. When I had trouble finding my purse, she assured me that everything was still in my room, to which I responded, "Oh, don't worry. I don't think you stole anything." Instantly, I was painfully aware that she was a hotel maid and I was the one wearing the Pretty Princess bridesmaid dress. My mind began screaming, "This is not what it seems. I believe in egalitarianism. I only wear dresses like this on wedding days." Unfortunately she did not hear my non-verbal protests. As I cringed in the closet where I was still trying to locate my purse, I heard, "I am a world traveler. I can speak three languages." And with an "Au revoir," the housekeeper breezed out of the room. Confused by this non sequitur, I eventually realized that this was her response to my stealing comment.

Epilogue: I eventually found my purse. There are quirky people out there, but that doesn't mean we need to accuse them of stealing.

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