Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Week of China...of Politics...of Poop...of C.S. Lewis

I've done nothing but talk to people. This entire week. As you can see from this post's title, this will be a four point essay on the Hot Topics of the week.

1. China--I attended a couple Chinese New Year celebrations this past week. I also discovered Sexy Beijing, a series on YouTube where a young American woman takes to the streets of Beijing to ask street vendors, students, and housewives questions such as, "I want to marry a Chinese man. Which is better? A northern man from Beijing or a southern man from Hong Kong?" Also, as my new officemate is obsessed with China, I've spent quite a bit of time this week discussing topics such as, "Who is your favorite Chinese political figure?" I've also learned that Confucius's teachings say nothing and yet they say everything. I still have no idea what that means.

2. Politics--Do you really think Barack could handle the presidency? How exactly does universal healthcare work again? Do you think Chelsea is cute?--was she maybe just in her Awkward Phase during Bill's presidency? Did you vote? Could our country really swallow having a president with a name like Huckabee?

3. Poop--This has been the topic of choice for dinnertime conversation at my dinner/Bible study for the past few weeks. When we're not sharing intimate BM stories, we're discussing items that people have been known to swallow--goldfish, Barbie heads, large quantities of hair. Some people look forward to Wednesday nights because they know they're going to get Miss Naomi's Famous Brownies, but I've started to go for the poop stories.

4. C.S. Lewis--I've been talking to one of the guys in my office a lot lately about religion and morality. I gave him Mere Christianity to read the other day. So far he's impressed with Lewis's explanation that all people, regardless of culture, have some sense of right and wrong. He concluded that must mean Lewis thinks we have morality and that's enough--no need for religion. I told him "Just wait."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poop is a fascinating topic that could obviously go on for weeks, unless it were met with a competitor like the Bible -- in which case, where is the competition? And why does your Bible study sound interesting all of a sudden? The popularity is no surprise. Grrr...resisting the temptation to elaborate on the beauty of the gastro-colic reflex.

Ah Lewis...and your officemate. Now here is something worth the ponderings, prayer and life we could devote toward it (i.e. Spurgeon's "The Soul Winner" -- and the wisdom of it). With all my deep gratitude for Lewis, he does leave us short in Mere Christianity of really knowing which door in the hallway to enter. Then comes the Bible -- with specifics you can sink your teeth into. A Jesus who passes all others off as "theives and liars." A God who defines Himself with intimate specifics. A history backed by archeology that screams: "Here you find truth -- breaking into your world with power and decision-demanding life or death: What will you do with Jesus and His words?"